

Question by  Natasha (83)

What is Maslow's theory of motivation?


Answer by  waskasoo (471)

Maslow's Theory held that people are motivated by a hierarchy of wants and needs. He envisioned a pyramid structure, with a broad base of basic needs at the bottom, such as food, clothes and shelter. At the top of the pyramid, he believed the pinnacle of motivation was what he called self-actualization.


Answer by  LexiP (722)

It is a psychological theory that presents a pyramid of importance that, from biggest to smallest part, consists of Physiology, Safety, Belonging, Esteem, and Self-Actualization.


Answer by  mightyspidey (1080)

The theory says humans must satisfy certain needs before others can be satisfied. We have to take care of basic needs (clothing, food, shelter) before concentrating on bigger selfish needs/wants.

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