


Question by  ben38 (13)

What tips can you give me for caring for perennials?


Answer by  case (1261)

First you need to make sure you plant the perennials in the shade requirement such as partial shade, shade or sunny. You can kill a plant by allowing it to have too much or too little sun. After planting in the proper area make sure you give the perennial plenty of water after panting and while it still is living.


Answer by  treemom (334)

Water your perennials the first year. Cut the old growth back either in November or February, but before they start to grow again in the spring. When they get too crowded, dig them up and divide the root balls. Then replant and spread them out or share them with your friends.


Answer by  Zaka (2315)

Perennials do not shed their leaves throughout the year. They are very adaptable and require less attention than many other plants. Do not water them excessively as that is a common trait of all perennials and prune excess foliage in late autumn.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

After the flowers have bloomed, cut the plants back to about inches. The plants will be fuller and brighter next season. Transplant in the fall.


Answer by  cafish (2035)

Pinching back the flowers as the wilt will help promote growth. If you want a bushy, low plant, cut it back early in the season. When it becomes too crowded, it will eventually die off. So do some dividing and replanting. Or give some plants to friends. Use the proper amount of fertilizer for the particular plant.


Answer by  tumsy (467)

Perennials won't need as much water as a vegetable garden, and some perennial herbs won't need any additional water at all.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

At the end of the season but the perennials back. In the spring they will begin to sprout and then if you wish you can dig them up and divide them, or just leave them to bloom. They will multiply.

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