


Question by  Als (29)

What should I do for my dog with a sprained knee?


Answer by  udiver1950 (22)

Get him checked out by a vet to be sure it is only a sprain. Give him a few days rest from daily walks and other strenuous exercise. He will automatically stay off the leg and just use the other three around the house. If he doesn't improve within a week, take him back to the vet.


Answer by  worker75 (24)

Your dog should be examined by a veterinarian in order to receive a diagnosis and appropriate treatment. If this is not possible, try restricting your dog's activity and allowing the knee to rest to see if it improves. Also, consult your veterinarian and see if they will approve the use of a pain medication for your dog.


Answer by  livegive (15)

If you are the one with the sprained knee, this may be a good time for the dog to play lots of "fetch". However, if it is the dog with a sprained knee, you may want to avoid that particular game, avoid stairs and high impact exercises with your dog for awhile.


Answer by  worker76 (773)

Well, I would treat it as your own. try to keep the dog limited in exercise but still make sure the dog is active enough to keep the ligamints loose. Ice is possible and one advil or aspirin a day should do the trick. Dog will be much better in 7-10 days.

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