

Question by  pansy (421)

What causes a dog to get mange?


Answer by  nairjula (559)

A dog's body is as clean as his master's. The master stays in a clean house and lets his dog wander untidy. Symbiotic relation like that in birds and cows is anathema to man's faithful friend. No wonder both are tearing their hair worrying about mange. Simply put, dogs get mange becasue they can't get rid of mites by themselves.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

The most common cause of mange in dogs is other animals. They come in contact, fight with, or kill, other wild animals (such as coyotes or other dogs), and it infects them as well. Some types are more contagious than others and can possibly be passed through touch.


Answer by  karenttrouble (46)

Mange is a skin infection in dogs that is similar to scabies in humans. Mange is transmitted from other dogs or items that have come into contact with infected dogs.


Answer by  Vllad45 (1886)

This is a bit of a mystery, but it is a kind of disease of the skin and can be caught from other animals. You will need to get some medication from your vet in order to combat this nasty, dry, flaky stuff that gets on your dog and spreads.


Answer by  mcmario2007 (786)

Improper diet, tick infections and unclean surrounding are the main reasons for dogs to get mange, use a proper conditioner when bathing the dog, use tick repellents and check with the vet if any ring worm infections are there.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Mange is spread around from animal to animal. Wild Animals could have given it to your dog or possibly another dog. When treating mange treat all your animals since it's easily spread from one species to another. It cannot jump so anything off the ground, such as birds, are safe.

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