home remedies


Question by  kgee (21)

What can I do for a sore spine?


Answer by  luvlexis83 (798)

A massage may help soothe the tightend muscles. If you need to take some pain relever and use a heating pad or ice pack or pad to help relax the muscles in ease the inflamation. You can even try laying flat on the floor and propping your legs up to ease the strain and pain, or yoga.


Answer by  manamana (203)

Stretch and walk. This will help align your spinal column. Lie on the floor and have someone gently tug on your hips, straight towards them. Drink plenty of red raspberry tea for nutrition and mint and willow tea for pain.


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

Hot compresses on the back often help, as well as ibuprofen, which will help with the swelling. Be very careful lifting things or stretching. You do want to walk around, though; staying in bed is not good for the back either. If the pain gets worse or doesn't improve after a couple days, make sure you make a doctor's appointment.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

A sore back usually caused by inflammation. This can be relieved by Zlyflamend. Also do some yoga type back stretching exercises.


Answer by  Manda (1103)

Try going to see a chiropractor and see what the proper ailment is. You can also try massage. That relaxes the muscles that pull on the spine.


Answer by  Jenn91 (122)

If the muscles are sore around the spine, massage and stretching are the best remedy. If a muscle has been pulled though, icing and heat will help but stretching will only irritate it. If the actual bone is sore, it could be bruised and icing will help ease the soreness.


Answer by  Anonymous

Get a back rub

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