

Question by  Anonymous

What camera settings should I use to capture moving objects without them being blurry?


Answer by  embockjr (709)

Proper exposure demands that the proper amount of light be utilized. Shutter speed and lens opening are the camera parameters. Now, you would use a fairly fast shutter speed coupled with a wide lens opening. And, if a film camera, you would choose a fairly high speed film (High ASA rating) to allow a fast shutter speed.


Answer by  Emr (698)

If you have no choice about the setting, make sure you have the flash on and put every setting on "automatic". Most cameras' circuitry can make those adjustments fastest.


Answer by  anyname (43)

On an automatic camera, there should be an icon of a "running man". This setting is used for sports and is also good for photo's of cars and birds.

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