what is


Question by  karia12 (95)

What are some interesting facts about Africa?


Answer by  HilaryC (1382)

Africa is one of the "cradles of civilization", where Lucy, an early human ancestor, was discovered. The Ancient Egyptians are probably the most famous, having survived off of the Nile.


Answer by  alpk11 (173)

The people of Africa aren't concerned with time like we are in the U.S. It is acceptable to show up 2 hours late and be early.


Answer by  leah84 (1043)

Africa is the second largest continent in the world, being 11 million square miles and consists of 53 countries. Africa makes up for 12 percent of the worlds population, making it the second largest populated continent in the world. Africa also is home to the largest river in the world, the Nile.


Answer by  dyingneko (199)

There are hundreds of various peaople tribes. They all have they own language, traditions and custom things. Most of them are savage.

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