what is


Question by  worker8727 (21)

What are "future homes"?


Answer by  Melissa72 (167)

This is a home built with your elder years in mind. The counters are shorter and cabinets are lower so that someone in a wheel chair can reach them and the halls and doorways are wider. The idea is to be able to live your entire life in the home.


Answer by  lei (490)

Future homes are houses which will be built in a certain area. The words future homes mean that sometime soon, a house will be built and will be someone's home.


Answer by  devilova (17)

Future homes was a home that are in many people dreams or wishes.Home that full with auto technology, all run automatically.So the owner didn't need to do all the manual work like sweep the floor, wash the clothes, wash the eating utensils, etc.All we need is remote control that control anything, and with one click the job will done.

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