how to


Question by  Dmt (25)

How can I move a fig tree from a container into my garden?


Answer by  bigp (20)

When moving a fig tree from one container to earth, first remove whole tree and soil form container. gently without breaking up potting soil place the tree and potting soil in ground. cover the hole in which you dug in ground for tree with dirt water and pack dirt.


Answer by  Jennifer26 (23)

Make sure the spot in your garden is appropriate for your fig tree. Does this spot have good sun/shade ratio? Is this spot free of underground structures like septic tanks, wires, pipes, etc.? Can roots spread adequately? Plant tree in hole big enough to accommodate root ball, water well!


Answer by  worker12 (293)

First, only transplant in fall or spring. Dig a hole large enough and deep enough for the roots , peatmoss mix. Use peatmoss and topsoil mixed together, put some mix in the hole before you plant tree this will absorb and hold the moisture,fill reamaining peatmoss mix. make damm,Water


Answer by  choctaw (361)

The best time to plant the Fig tree is in the fall when the leaves have fallen. You should water the hole you will put the tree in and make sure the roots are saturated. Put some manure in the hole as well. Surround planted tree with mulch for drainage.


Answer by  Shannon41 (20)

Use a dolly to move the container to the garden, lay the tree on the ground, gently work it back and forth until it loosens up and slides out. Then gently slide it into its new home.

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