

Question by  rickmiller (23)

How can I become a christian artist?


Answer by  Keith (130)

Start playing free gigs at local churches and join praise bands at camps and retreats. You will get a good following doing this.


Answer by  gummie (738)

As a believer of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and an artist, your are automatically a Christian artist. Artistically, there are many venues available to you, such as: sculpting, sketching, etc.


Answer by  NutBucket (140)

Try accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. Attend different church services until out which sect seems comfortable. After that, paint a picture or learn to play guitar.


Answer by  WhatsHerName (41)

I'm no expert but I would suggest that you start by booking at churches. Also make videos and submit them to sites like Tangle and youtube.

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