

Question by  Drynose (66)

Do they still have Foleys Department stores?

I haven't seen one in a while.


Answer by  sarabeth (170)

The Department store named Macy's took over all of the Foley stores in 2006. It began in 1900. When they were taken over some stores still kept signs noting it was a previous Foley but currently are all branded Macy Department stores. All Foley management was dissolved in 2006 with Macy taking the leadership.


Answer by  HotWheelz (317)

Foleys Department stores are now what we know as Macy's. Foleys Department stores were owned by May Department stores. Even though Foleys is not around, we are enjoying all of Macy's sales.


Answer by  shane11 (74)

I have never seen a doleys department store. I have been to seveveral malls in my state and have yet to see one. I think they do not exist anymore.

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