


Question by  ujwalraimjoshi (729)

Can fish gut be eaten?


Answer by  malpoa (363)

It is safe not to eat gut inspite of it being considered a delicacy in some places, atleast avoid the liver and pancreas. The gut can contain toxins and worms.


Answer by  dog (31)

Typically, no. any toxins in the water and then in the fish will be present in the stomach area of the fish. Mercury is especially a worry.


Answer by  MzKitty (273)

Yes, you can eat this. In fact, many cultures use the "gut" or innards to create a bitter tasting dish as a counterpoint in the flavor of a fish dish.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Yes. Fish guts can be eaten, and just like there are chefs out there that have made snails and squid supposedly taste so good that people spend ridiculously prices on them at restaurants, there is probaly a chef out there that makes fish gut taste really good, although I am not willing to go search and try it for you.

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