

Question by  Regu (20)

Why is my freezer not freezing?


Answer by  Mercuryman3a (113)

Your freezer may not be freezing because the rubber of the door may not be sealing properly when it is closed.


Answer by  leelah (92)

Maybe the electricity supply has been disrupted. Check to see if the freezer is plugged in properly. Maybe the seals need replacing.


Answer by  DtheM1 (1150)

In order to actually cool the inner chamber, a freezer needs refrigerant to use in the heat exchanger. If there was a leak in the heat exchanger, there would be nothing to take the heat out, hence, it wouldn't freeze. There could however be other things wrong. See an appliance repairman to get a good diagnosis.


Answer by  maggie860 (46)

Maybe the motor has blown if it is an older model refridgerator. Maybe there is a clogged line. Maybe there is something cuaght or blocking the vent that allows the cold air in. Also check your thermostat to make sure it is turned up to freezing temperature. The dial is usually located near lighbulb in fridge.


Answer by  yaomingjr32 (120)

it may be broken or something, or the motor is not working. all you have to do is to call the company place or just call someone.

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