


Question by  bootros (14)

Why is my dog dragging his butt on the floor?


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Sometimes a dog will drag its butt on the floor if the dog has worms. Another reason could be that the dog is having a hard time trying to poop. They will drag their butt on the floor as a way to massage their anal glands which in return makes it easier for your dog to poop.


Answer by  Kateline42 (27)

Your dog has an itchy anus. He is attempting to scratch his his anus on your floor. Your dog could have allergies. It could also have worms, mites or parasites.


Answer by  Pauli (43)

The most likely reason that your dog is dragging his butt on the floor is because of worms. They make him itch there and the friction helps with that. He may also have a rectal disorder that may be causing this irritation. Either way you should take your dog to the vet.


Answer by  John (9008)

This usually happens because the dog has itching around his rear end. This could be due to minor digestive problems (such as diarrhea) or hemorrhoids. Dogs also commonly get allergies which can lead to itching in this region. Since dogs can't fully reach back there, dragging their rear ends to be the only way that they can scratch.


Answer by  Anonymous

he just wants to piss you off

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