

Question by  mandam7 (56)

Why do I have really yellow pee?


Answer by  sadiesmom (254)

It can indicate dehydration. Try to drink some more liquids, but if it persists or has an odor, ask your doctor.


Answer by  Darry (3853)

The most common cause of strongly colored pee is dehydration followed by use of vitamins. Try drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day and this should help. If the problem continues and you are not using a vitamin supplement, see your doctor to rule out kidney disease.


Answer by  Vanessa (387)

The most likely cause is going to be something you are eating or drinking. Mountain Dew can cause really yellow pee, as can asparagus. If you have not had something like this, then you are not drinking enough water which causes your urine to be really concentrated.


Answer by  jen37 (1135)

Generally I would think it means that you are not drinking enough fluids, so your urine is more concentrated. Though it could also be from your diet.

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