
 animals  dogs  pets  why


Question by  Anonymous

why do dogs chase squirrels?

my dachsund is crazy for squirrels!


Answer by  Zetau (125)

Dogs naturally chase anything that runs. If that squirrel stopped, and turned around, your dog would stop and not know what to do.

posted by Anonymous
are you kidding? tell it to the headless squirrel my dog left in the park.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
I voted, but I would have reduced this by 5 points. I wasn't smart-enough to "vote down." In any event, if the squirrel stopped and turned around, the squirrel would be dead meat. My dogs are a little smarter than yours.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

I just watched the pixar movie "UP" (which is a great movie by the way), and the dogs in it have collars that convert their thoughts into spoken english... at many times during the movie, dogs get distracted by squirrels mid-sentence and yell out "Squirrel!" it's quite funny.


Answer by  Anonymous

Because Dogs are just curious to chase anything that comes their way. So squirrels have a tendency to run when someone comes near them, so its obvious that dogs too run and chase them.


Answer by  Anonymous

Predatory instincts.


Answer by  Anonymous

becaus dogs wil naturraly chace anything they see. its just there instinct. plus some dogs are hunting dogs so they are trained to chace them. also i think that they think the look like cats because they are color blind and stuff. but thats only my teory whats yours! lissie


Answer by  mangosteen (272)

I think certain dogs were bred to be hunting dogs... that is to go on hunting expeditions with their owners. They were trained to track after the animals that were being targeted. These behaviors have sort of become instincts in many dogs.


Answer by  Anonymous

Because squirrels are yummy!

posted by Anonymous
A dog Chased a Chipmunk on the road and when that chipmunk stopped and stared at dog, he ran away !!! Strange but True !!!  add a comment

Answer by  Brahbrah (21)

Dogs run after everything that moves, that's from excitement and the sense of competition. Also, that's because of a natural "hunter" instinct. Squirrels run around and are usually afraid of big dogs so they run away from them, and that excites the dog and makes it want to run after the squirrel.


Answer by  Anonymous

Because dogs are man's best friend and they are protecting us from the evil menace.


Answer by  Anonymous

i think squirrels tease dogs


Answer by  gymadel (23)

I sincerely believe that dogs chase squirrels because they drive them bonkers running up and down the top of the fence, shaking their fluffy tails. The dogs are hysterical to watch. I'd shudder to think what might happen if caught! And it's all just a game!


Answer by  Anonymous

Becuse dogs are dumme


Answer by  Anonymous

Because they have AD/HD--all dogs do.


Answer by  Anonymous

I have an 7 pound Pomeranian OBSESSED with chasing squirrels in our yard. Yet we have two others than couldn't care less. What's up with that? ad/hd? lol

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