


Question by  Andrew195 (33)

Who starred in the Many Faces of Death?


Answer by  KristiNykole (32)

Which version? If you are talking about the original then it has Michael Carr and Samuel Berkowitz. It is directed by John Alan Schwartz.


Answer by  labowski (9)

The person who starred in the movie Many faces of death which was released in 1980 and also known as banned in 40 countries was michael carr.


Answer by  Amber18 (21)

The movie, the Many Faces of Death did not have stars as it was simply a documentary that showed graphic, violent video footage. The documentary showed scenes from many different horrific real life situations, so it has a lot of different people appear in the film without one having a central role.


Answer by  cakeyhamburger (11)

There are many unknown people who are featured in this film and its sequels. As the film is nothing but real life clips of people dying, there is not a true "star" or celebrity tied to it.

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