

Question by  elsewhen (627)

Where is the best place to get a first tattoo?


Answer by  Anonymous

i would reccomend not getting it where it would hurt least, but where you REALLY want it. Also, you might want to keep it in a discreet spot (work, school, etc etc)...pick your artist CAREFULLY!!!!! you dont want it to be F***** up, so this is vital. ~m


Answer by  Anonymous

My penis was my first tattoo. Didn't hurt much, but it looks so badass.


Answer by  Anonymous

I just got my first one on my foot, its a decent size, and it hurt ALOTTTT. I actuallly had two peole hold me down. But i thought of it this way, i could get it on my leg, but where did i really want it forever? I chose foot.


Answer by  Anonymous

i heard fleshy areas that don't have a lot of bone or nerves hurt less examples: chest, bum, breast, anything with a lot of muscle


Answer by  totie (21)

The best place to get your first tattoo would be the upper arm or leg. This a common place for the first timers. This will get you use to the feeling of the tattoo pen. I certainly wouldn't go with a place that would be more painful like the neck or feet.


Answer by  Anonymous

I had my first tattoo on my bum, it never hurt very much and i would recommend that everyone consider getting their first down there.


Answer by  Oktober (35)

I feel the best place to get your first tattoo where you feel it will look good now and in the future, places like your shoulder blade or on you calf are good for starters or on the bone part of your chest. It may hurt the most but it's worth it.


Answer by  lea (68)

The best place to get your first tattoo would be somewhere well known for it's quality, and cleanliness. You want to make sure that your tattoo artist has your best interests in mind. Tattoo artists normally offer portfolios of past work you can view. You want to make sure this person has plenty of experience!


Answer by  laceykroh (-2)

I would really like a tattoo, but my problem is i don't know what to get or where to get it !! Ugh !!


Answer by  Anonymous

im going to get my first tattoo on my neck is that good


Answer by  laceykroh (-2)

Ahhh, I want a tattoo .. But idk what to get and where to get it ??


Answer by  Anonymous

In your vagina. That way if it turns out bad and you don't like your design few people will see it. Except if you can't keep you legs closed and you have a mouse in your pocket and urine in the other. Have fun ith your tat! :)

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