


Question by  rfoltz33 (217)

What should large dog pupils look like?


Answer by  Rhadha (62)

A dog's pupils should be large and black, much like the pupils within the human eye. Even when it's bright, the dog's pupils are likely to be on the large side.


Answer by  JessM (256)

Pupils in large dogs should be round, deep black, and react to light by becoming larger or smaller. The outer edge of the pupil should be smooth, without any bleeding of the black color into the colored portion of the eye. If the pupil is cloudy or not uniformly round, this could indicate a problem in eyesight.


Answer by  Falcongirl77 (73)

Large dog pupils should look roughly like human pupils. Most dogs have brown eyes and frequently the color of the eye will be so dark that the pupil is difficult to see. In dogs with lighter brown eyes or blue eyes, the pupil will look like a dark hole.

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