
 food  safety


Question by  Jackie50 (360)

What should I know about meat handling and marinating?


Answer by  arlexia (123)

Meat handling -always use clean knife and cutting surface. Do not prepare anything else with the knife or surface. Marinating just choose your favorite marinade and marinate for 30 min.


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

A a trained chef, meat should be kept at the proper temperature until it is cooked, so you should make your marinade place meat in it and refrigerate until cooking.


Answer by  anne08 (124)

Marinating is a way for your meat to become more tender. It would also add flavors on your meat and that depends on which ingredients you've added. These ingredients are vinegar and spices. Vinegar can substitute lemon juice or wine instead.


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

Be sure to wash your hands with soap and hot water before and after handling raw meat to prevent spreading bacteria. As for marinating, try for a minimum five hours.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

The key is to keep the meat cool and keep everything else clean. The meat should be kept in a spill-proof container in the fridge usually for a few hours.


Answer by  kiradeleria (465)

Always wash your hands before and after handling raw meat. If you want to avoid a mess, wear plastic gloves. Make sure to not touch your face or lick your fingers while dealing with the raw meat. When marinating, get some zip lock bags and place the sliced meat into the bag, toss around the bag, then let sit.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Always wash your hands after handling the meat. Don't let your hands touch the marinade after you have touched the meat. After you marinade your meat throw the left over marinade away. This marinade that has been in contact with the meat has the potential of giving you E-Coli or Salmonella poisoning.

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