

Question by  Ifoundthebignumbercantsayitthoug (13)

What should I know about breaking a fever in my English bulldog?


Answer by  lovelife (998)

Be sure to give your dog plenty of fluids and rest. To replace lost fluids give the dog over the counter fluid replacement drinks such as Pedilyte or a product formulated specifically for dogs. Consult your veterinarian if fever persists. Watch for signs of seizure or furthering health condition and report immediately.


Answer by  keiki (1376)

A fever is a sign that your dog is battling an infection, so your dog really should be seen by a vet. Usually antibiotics are needed to bring a fever down.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

Talk to your vet to make sure, the vet would know the proper way to break the dogs fever. Take him to the vet, the vet will give it some meds to take care of it's fever.

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