pet health


Question by  ash (27)

What should I do with a turtle that has sunken eyes from being sick?


Answer by  notanexpert (199)

Try a shot of vitamin A - sometimes vitamin A deficiency can cause dry, sunken eyes!


Answer by  boonjax (205)

Is your turtle taking enough fluids or liquids. Dehydration is what causes sunken eyes in most cases. Is your turtle vomiting a lot or does he have a diarrhea? Give plenty of water with electrolytes. But don;t forget to treat the primary disease causing this dehydration.


Answer by  jeyR (264)

Your turtle has probably starved itself and lost fluids because he's sick. It takes a lot of time and patience to nurse such turtles back to health. Give small feeds with liquids frequently so he is able to eat. Sometimes vets give an intravenous drip or feeds through a nasal tube.

Reply by wonderman (201):
And don't keep him out in the sun. The heat will make him worse. I'm sure he'll prefer a cool shady place.  add a comment
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