

Question by  Jenniedeelo (169)

What should I do for my cat's hurt neck?


Answer by  Grace (128)

You should take your cat to go see a vet because they might be hurting inside and might not be showing it. For the time being though, you should put something hard like a neckcast around the cat's neck to restrain it for hurting itself more by scratching it and to keep it that way until help is given.


Answer by  rmt (38)

Go to a vet!!! I'm always truly amazed at people who ask questions on blogs, etc. , when the answers they'll get will be from other pets owners such as themselves. If you have an animal in your care, you MUST take her/him to an expert - your vet. PLEASE don't waste more time.


Answer by  sandiegorvt (42)

YOu should take your cat to the vet. The vet will do a full physical exam, manipulate the neck, dodge the cat's teeth and claws while manipulating the neck, and probably recommend a set of radiographs to try to find the problem. You should also keep your cat indoors and try to keep it from jumping up and down.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Take the cat to the vet. Other than providing the cat with the proper comfort it needs there isnt much you can do. A neck injury is very serious and can lead to other damaged bady parts. Keep the cat in a safe warm place with a soft bed until you can contact a vet.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

A hurt neck on an animal can cause very serious problems. You should seek help from your vet ASAP! If it's a wound, keep it sanitary. If it's internal, it could potentially lead to other serious issues and requires help NOW. Do not try to bend/straighten it, ensure that the animal eats and defecates daily.

Reply by anniepie11 (2):
its a scamp  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

my cat has hurt his neck to he keeps on twitching but i dont know what to do either my mum wouldnt take him to the fet will monday but im worried it gets worse by then ( i would take him to the vet right now!!! ! ! !


Answer by  anniepie11 (2)

its a scamb could the cats be playing


Answer by  Anonymous

Vets often unnecessary put animals down epically if they are older than 5. Never trust a vet I have seen enough peoples pets put down over small things such as a minor injury. And the vet often demands a large sum of money for doing the action.

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