

Question by  danceur (210)

What percentage of North America is wilderness?


Answer by  dwammer (710)

National parks, preservations, and conversations make up of at least 38% of North American wilderness. The wilderness reaches places such as the northern Canadian forests and the southern Unites States deserts. Some parts of North America has fewer spots of wilderness than others, such as California at the bottom of the list.


Answer by  blgneo (72)

The answer depends on the definition of wilderness. If by it we mean natural forests, habitats, marshes and similar ,the answer would be around 38%. If we define it as an area of federal land designated by the wilderness act of 1964 then the answer is 4. 71%(only within US).


Answer by  ravensoffspring (412)

That really depends on your definition of wilderness, but the most commonly accepted answer is that 38% percent of North America is wilderness.

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