

Question by  elsewhen (627)

What magazines do you take with you on a long flight?

or do you just wait to see what they have on the plane itself?


Answer by  sweetmomu (19)

On a long flight I like to take the magazine Vanity Fair. I also like to take pulp science fiction magazines like Asimov's Science Fiction, Analog Science Fiction and Science Fact, and Fantasy & Science Fiction. I have also enjoyed reading Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine during long flights.


Answer by  Pineapple7 (260)

If I were to take a long flight, I would bring my own magazines from home. I would probably bring 'People', 'Cosmopolitan', for myself, and 'Highlights' for my daughter. I really enjoy celebrity gossip, and 'People' magazine seems the most trustworthy in Celeb news. 'Cosmopolitan' is a great magazine for women of all ages, and 'Highlights' is great for kids!!


Answer by  ktegio (27)

I like to take magazines that are good to read to better myself as a person or learn more about any kind of a subject such as Parenting, Investing or Healthy living. It makes for a quicker flight and I can actually apply what I just read to my life rather then whats on the plane which is usually boring.


Answer by  elsewhen (627)

I'm usually running late, so i forget to bring a magazine. i usually just work on my laptop or see what they have available on board. If i was to plan, i think i would take The Economist.

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