


Question by  lacey76 (2)

What kind of law does Harvey Mechanic practice?

Have you ever used him?


Answer by  trashcat (241)

Although I have never had the need to use Harvey Mechanic, he practices non-profit organization law. He is also able to assist with obtaining of VISA's and other situations involved in immigration law. He is based in Los Angeles, California. He has over 20 years of experience, so he should be able to help you with these things.


Answer by  Dean (4035)

Mechanic is a NY-based attorney who specializes in matter of immigration, green cards and visas. He does a lot of work for non-profits. I've never used him.


Answer by  river (1226)

All types non-profit, immigration, visa, green card. I've never used him, but he the work he does with non profits has to do with tax-exempt problems with the IRS, and receiving charitable contributions.

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