

Question by  William21 (13)

What kind of bug bites would cause pin-like itching?


Answer by  Taran (716)

Pin-like itching can be caused by many reasons, sometimes nervos disorder. Mosquitos and spider bite cause pin-like itching.


Answer by  Kris (797)

Deer fly bites feel like pinpricks and cause itching. They can be found in the woods or near water or livestock. To reduce bites, wear light-colored clothing and DEET.


Answer by  mcsaripkin (73)

This is usually caused by chigger bites. They are picked up from overgrown or wooded areas. Bath in a tub with 1 cup of Clorox to relieve the itching.


Answer by  Nic (99)

From personal experience, mites will bite. I had areas on my body that itched went to the doctor and they said it was Mites!

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