

Question by  wl60423 (23)

What kind of bug are green and look like leaves?


Answer by  critesb1 (224)

Katydid(Tettigonioidea) are the green leave bug you have found. There are different types of katydid. Here is six of the eight major groups of katydids: true katydid, false katydid, meadow katydid, coneheaded katydid, shield-backed katydid, hump-winged grig. They sound like grasshoppers when the are looking for a mate.


Answer by  Craig58 (24)

There are many insects that are green and look like leaves. For one, the Katydid. The Katydid is is an insect that is related to grasshoppers. Some katydids look remarkably like leaves and can be found all over the world. Leaf mimicry is a form of camouflage that makes the katydid seem invisible to predators.

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