


Question by  longhornlocke (19)

What is the prognosis for esophagus cancer?

My uncle has just been diagnosed.


Answer by  docsterx51 (13)

Esophageal cancer is usually diagnosed after it has been present for some time, allowing the tumor to become large enough to produce symptoms. Very often this makes the prognosis extremely poor for most patients. In spite of possible treatments like surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and others used either in combination or used separately,there is usually not a favorable outcome.


Answer by  Bubba49 (177)

The prognosis for esophageal cancer is very bad if it has progressed to the invasive stage. The esophagus is located near many vital structures and is often not detected until after it has invaded these structures. Surgery can be curative and radiation therapy is often of benefit. Chemotherapy is usually of little help.


Answer by  wyeth (435)

The overall prognosis is poor with only about 15% survival to 5 yrs after diagnosis and most dying within one year of diagnosis. Symptoms occur late in the disease so diagnosis is usually only when the tumor is advanced and large. Small cancers only involving the esophageal lining have a 80% 5yr survival.

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