

Question by  hulmer (1067)

What is the most popular movie right now?


Answer by  jclick (1561)

The top grossing film at the box office for this weekend (February 12-14, 2010) was Valentine's Day earning approximately $52 million dollars in its first weekend of release. Previous to this weekend, Dear John topped the box office numbers and for the five weeks prior to that it was Avatar.


Answer by  sashangeljaz (992)

The most popular movie out there is the James Cameron directed 3-d film "Avatar". It has been a winner at the box office and nominated at the Academy Awards.


Answer by  janezetta (244)

Since December it was James Cameron's Avatar until last weekend when Dear John beat it and this weekend when Valentines Day beat it. So currently it would be Valentines Day but Avatar as beat every world record for box office sales out there.


Answer by  Buzzelon (12)

Without question, it's Avatar. I have watched it twice, and my friend has watched it four times and counting. The visuals are awesome and the movie is good!

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