what is


Question by  Taj (29)

What is the debate about the pledge of allegiance?

Why would someone want to take "under God" out?


Answer by  kristin66 (174)

People believe that having under god in the pledge of allegiance to be unconstitutional because it endorses religion. This makes it like a prayer instead of recognition of your allegiance to the country. Not everyone believes in God and people think it's unfair to be in our constitution.


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

There is a debate going on among people with the pledge of allegiance. There are all sorts of people living in the United States. Some of these people do not believe in God, they are not religious or believe in a different higher power. They do not think it is right for "God" to be a part of the pledge.


Answer by  lcm (132)

The US comprises many people of many different religions. Some may be of no religion, or one where there is no 'God', or no one god. Their country and their devotion to it is still very important to them, though. 'One nation under God' can ostracise people and cause divisions.


Answer by  tofulass (36)

Some places want to take "Under God" out of the constitution so that atheists, agnostics, and polytheists can be patriotic without saying something they don't believe in.

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