what is


Question by  se7enine (21)

What is the Chinese symbol for love?


Answer by  priya29 (43)

The Chinese symbol of love is made up of more than one Chinese character and captures the essence of love in a following manner. The pronunciation of the Chinese symbol for love is written as ai4.


Answer by  Sanjit18 (11)

The chinese symbol for love is one of the chines characters.It is pronounced as "ai".The meaning of the word or the symbol is love between people. They can be lovers or husband and wife or any other lve relations.This symbol is been used by chinese people as tatoos and als for drawing arts and several other purposes.


Answer by  brians6000 (640)

Due to the complexity of the symbol this is difficult to describe in words. You can visit the website Chinatown Connection and search for the symbol.


Answer by  joe2010 (38)

This question could be answered several ways. the actual symbol that most would expect is the word love written in chinese.However there are many

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