

Question by  aj32 (16)

What is the cause of a blank blue screen?


Answer by  fiddlefaddle (883)

The most likely cause of a blank blue screen is hardware. It could also be a video malfunction. Make sure your video drivers are updated and properly working. If you continue to get blank blue screens it might be a hardware issue and you might need to replace certain hardware. Normally you get an error message to help you.


Answer by  Mustane (55)

The blue screen you are referring to is the error screen that signals a crash. It is caused by system errors in Windows, memory failures, hardware incompatibilities, etc.


Answer by  pm11 (85)

BSOD, also know as Blue Screen of Death , occurs when Windows detects a problem or error from which it cannot recover. Usually on the Blue Scrren are shown information about the error code and other diagnostic information helpful for IT help desk to solve this issue. These errors are usually caused by device drivers or malfunctioning hardware.


Answer by  Randy998 (226)

Bluescreens are caused by hardware in your PC going bad. Another common problem is the drivers that controll the hardware have programming errors. The third main issue is programs access memory they are not allowed too and windows doesn't know what to do.


Answer by  clair58 (177)

The blank blue screen error that you are currently seeing on your computer is not something to be afraid of. It is a caution flag that appears on your screen when the computer feels as though their is a problem.

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