

Question by  shawnita (19)

What is the best way to treat eyelid dermatitis?


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

You can put lotion on them. You can buy lotion that is just for eyes. You also need to make sure that your eyes are clean. Try not to pick at is as it will get worse.


Answer by  y3636363 (1380)

The best way is to get a cream from your doctor and that is the best way to treat this. You need to get the antibiotic to help you feel better.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

I had this condition once and I couldn't find anything that helped. Water-based products dried it out and seemed to make it worse. My eye doctor gave me a steroid cream that took care of it. Remember, they're your eyes so be careful what you try.


Answer by  DeborahSG (212)

Keep your fingers away from your eyes. Lubricate your eyes with a saline wash (available over the counter). Wear goggles when near chemicals. See an ophthalmologist.


Answer by  MaryJ (208)

Eyelid dermatitis is often times treated with baby shampoo. Baby Shampoo is used because it will not make you tear and you will find it easy to work with. Just dab a little on your fingertips and work it through your lashes and lids. Rinse and repeat. That should help with your dermatitis.

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