what is


Question by  worker4311 (77)

What is smegma?

I know it's the substance covering a newborn, but what is it?


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

You can say that it is a white secretion from the sebaceous glands of the foreskin. It acculmulates under the foreskin of males and the Vulva of females.


Answer by  meme13 (33)

Smegma is composed of multiple substances, including shed skin cells of the fetus and mother, mucus, inflammatory cells and proteins. The substance can differ depending on the age of the fetus.


Answer by  Redav (231)

Smegma is a substance produced in some cases in the male and female genitals. It is a fatty sustance that is product of renewal of epitelial cells. It is in doubt if also Tyson glands play a role in its formation because studies have fail to find sebaceus glands. It has bad smell and its associated to lack of cleanness.


Answer by  ramoskenneth285 (631)

Smegma is a combination of exfoliated epithelial cells,transudated skin oils and moisture.It can be accumulate under the foreskin of the males and within the vulva of the males.

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