what is


Question by  Dave78 (80)

What is "maki sushi"?


Answer by  cangel818 (981)

Maki sushi is simply any type of sushi that is rolled. The word maki means roll. Maki sushi can be thick (futomaki) or thin (hosomaki)and usually consists of sushi rice, one or two ingredients such as tuna, or vegetables, and seaweed. When the rice is on the outside it is called uramaki. This is usually dipped in sesame seeds.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Maki means "roll" referring to a variety of sushi rolls. For instance there is hosomaki, futomaki, uramaki, and temaki. All of which are rolls but differ in shape, thickness, and construction. Hosomaki is a thin roll that is very common whereas futomaki is a thicker half-inch roll. Uramaki is an inside-out style roll and temaki is a cone shaped.


Answer by  Shikimo (44)

It is a well-known favorite Japanese cuisine. It's basically made up of rice, a toasted sheet of seaweed and fillings of your preference rolled together.

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