

Question by  Kat (32)

What does snake feces look like?


Answer by  LoneWulf (22)

Not particularly wet, they are typically crumbly and white. Most snakes do this because they can not afford to lose any fluids at all in a desert habitat, and thus, they simply pack all the waste together and remove it from their body in a dry manner. This allows them to use fluids for other things.


Answer by  Li11 (14)

For a snake without diseases, snake feces are usually brown. The feces may have some whitish fluid mixed it. Snake Feces may also contain undigestable contents from prey they have consumed.


Answer by  jessicabee (24)

Snake feces is just as disgusting as any feces. It comes out and look primarily like human feces except it has a lot more components that look as if they have not been completely broken down. The Feces is also very slimy. I don't find many differences in human feces and snake feces.


Answer by  bulrich777 (45)

Snake feces is much like any other animals feces. Of course it is generally longer than many other animals feces though.


Answer by  AllisonW (20)

For some smaller snakes, like garters, feces looks like bird poop. The feces will have the same black and white parts as bird poop, it tends to be more of a dark cream or brown color. Larger snakes will have actual turds. The turds may have bits of undigested fur or bone from its prey.

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