

Question by  JennC (32)

What do you think if the Vegan Gourmet cheese?

Is it really the best?


Answer by  quisqualis (1756)

Vegan cheese made from soy is not comparable to milk cheese flavor-wise. The soy protein gives the cheese a rather rubbery texture. The vegetable fat in the vegan cheese does not have the fragrance of butterfat. It might be easier to give up cheese than to convert to vegan cheese.


Answer by  RunawayJim (964)

I think it is ok, but I would not say the best. There are tons of better cheeses out there. I actually really dislike vegan cheese because it just does not taste like the real thing to me. You should try some real Wisconsin cheddar or some imported cheeses to find the best.


Answer by  Marnely (17)

Since normal cheese is made from milk from an animal, Vegan cheese come from a plant source. Typically, soy is used because of its versatility and if used in correct recipes, can be delicious. Add spices and herbs to add flavor and also try baking with it. It might not melt as normal, but will taste delicious.


Answer by  Anglica (7)

The Vegan Gourmet Cheese is a kinda cheese that excludes the use of any animal ingredients. As it is a cheese analogue, doesn't contain casein or milk. It means this kind of cheese prevents lactose intolerance, milk allergies or casein allergies. Then, it's pretty good for health anyway.

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