


Question by  Li92 (2)

What do white pimples mean?


Answer by  carrice3 (70)

White pimples means you're dirty and need to take more baths. Your pores are filled with bacteria and you need some disinfected soap or rubbing alcohol and use pro-activ.


Answer by  SGividen (652)

White pimples are an inflammation of the pore. The white part is pus (the toxins that are clogging the pore).


Answer by  Youngmom (233)

Usually it means the pimples are ready to be popped. The seed is at the surface (the white part). Once the seed is out, the pimple can heal!


Answer by  leah84 (1043)

They are just like any other pimple. Dirt and soap gets caught in your pores and causes an infection. The "white" part is all the gunk stuck in your pores.

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