health conditions


Question by  Sakkano (129)

What diet will help you unclog arteries?


Answer by  DrMom (854)

In the late 1980s a vegetarian diet combined with moderate exercise and yoga was reported as a way to unclog arteries. There is no diet that absolutely guarantees those results, however. If your doctor approves, moderate exercise is good for your heart and arteries.


Answer by  Zach29 (153)

Omega 3 oils such as those found in fish can help work plaque off the arterial walls. Pomegranate juice will also help lower cholesterol and increase blood flow.


Answer by  Rosengurtle (147)

A diet low in saturated fat will help you to unclog arteries. Start by cutting out all fried foods. When you need to cook with oil, use extra virgin olive oil. Try to introduce healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, these can be found in foods like tuna and walnuts.


Answer by  Qwitzon (578)

The Mediterranean diet was one of the most successful tests for improving artery health that has been done to date. This diet has healthy oils, less meat than the US diet and more fresh greens. French diets were also found to benefit the arteries. But, the results were difficult to replicate without adopting the total lifestyle: less stress, more walking...


Answer by  saloon (64)

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Fat intake should be kept at a minimal. A lot of fibre and grains should also be consumed. Proper exercise is also esstential.

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