


Question by  mashashi (19)

What could be causing my Yorkie to change color?


Answer by  tweety (266)

While all Yorkies change color, many do not as their pigment secretion does not occur. Some yorkies turn into a rarer color naturally and are often sold at a premium - even though the process is not exotic but just natural! So don't get fooled by these rare colors.


Answer by  benji (165)

I thought all Yorkies change color as they grow! The new born pups are black- and- tan while in adulthood they are more blue- and- tan. I thought this depended on genes and also on pigments secreted by glands. This color change is normal!!


Answer by  Anonymous

Yorkies change color. Yorkies and poodles carry a fading gene. It's natural and it is supposed to happen. My black yorkie-poo is turning steel blue on his head, silver on his back and tan on his face. It's just in the genes.


Answer by  jeyR (264)

Yorkies can have either shorted wiry hair that allows the natural color to be better seen or longer woolly hair that makes it dull as it does not allow proper light reflection. Thinning hair also causes an altered color.


Answer by  poodlegirl (142)

Lots of reasons. Some times mineral deficence do that. Supplements for dogs designed for hairhealth might help. It can be shampoos being used. Use a non-stripping dogshampoo. Ask about color saveing shampoos too. Or old age. Water can be full of heavy metel too. Filter it?

Reply by addicted (186):
For Yorkies, keeping their hair healthy and well groomed plays a very vital role in the way their color is exhibited. Healthy hair makes the best look!  add a comment
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