

Question by  skylark (15)

What causes gas in a kitten?


Answer by  smellycat22 (1129)

Cat food containing soy products may cause gas. Eating too fast or too much in one setting can also lead to gas. Try to control the amount of food the cat ingest by giving out more smaller meals. Putting an obstacle in the bowl can slow him down (ex. ping pong ball). Change to a different food can also help.


Answer by  anyname89 (24)

Certain types of food can cause gas in cats. Specifically foods that contain soy. Gas can also be caused by prolonged exposure to garbage or unsanitary conditions.


Answer by  aussiegirl (711)

Are you feeding it any dairy? Cat's are lactose intolerent and should only be fed speaial kitten milk. The other option is a sudden change in diet, or food that is too rich. See if you can find out what the previous owner fed it.


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

There is no one answer and it could be a combination of things. Young animal's digestive tracts are still getting used to a lot of things, including stress and changes in diet. It's also possible it needs to be dewormed.


Answer by  Isidro (624)

Many thing that cause this could be bad things that are laying around like food that humans eat could affect the animal and when its trying to digest the food it releases as a gas.


Answer by  keiki (1376)

Many things can cause gas in a kitten. The most common is something the cat ate. It might have ingested something in the house that is wasn't supposed to, or it might have eaten a different kind of food that slightly upset its stomach.

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