

Question by  michelle99 (73)

What causes dimming of electrical lights?


Answer by  Sakkano (129)

In homes, the dimming of lighting can be attributed to power draws. It's momentarily, but if a large appliance requires power, the other appliances on the circuit may dim.


Answer by  ilango (226)

the circuits of all lights along with the major appliances ( Refgiretor, washing machine, T. v. , )cicuits may cause the problem. please check with electrician. otherwise some problem in transformer


Answer by  mathanraj (0)

Dimming of electrical light is due to voltage drop in your line. if you switch on the TV voltage drop decreases. so light dim occurs


Answer by  mkoepp (37)

Consumption of power can cause dimming of electrical lights. Either from your home or a large drain on electrical grid. If it happens constantly you might need an electrical upgrade.

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