

Question by  NIL (16)

What can you tell me about the Progressive Dynammics power converter?


Answer by  worker7321 (15)

The power converter is made by a company that has a very respectable reputation in the industry. This series of converters has a very reliable reputation and they last a long time. They have cooling fans built in that keep them working for years to come.


Answer by  wQQdy (121)

A power converter is a good thing to have. ProDyn is top of the line. So, if you have the money go for it. One trouble I have with mine is the inside of my van gets damp mornings, the moisture causes problems. So, keep it dry or covered.


Answer by  hyperkid (470)

Depending on the type of RV that you own will determine which power converter you ill need to buy. there are 45 and 60 amp models available, with 60 being for the larger RV's

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