health conditions


Question by  fred91 (42)

What can you tell me about diverticulitis?


Answer by  peggy (18)

Diverticulitis is when pouches form a wall of the colon and then get inflamed or infected.symptoms include abdomanial pain, tenderness on the left side of lower abdomen,if infection nausea,vomiting, feeling hot with no fever, carmping,and constipation. If you have any of these symptoms please see your doctor as soon as possible.


Answer by  madhanprasana (109)

Diverticulitis is a common digestive disease and occurs in the large intestine. The common symptom is the abdominal pain. It usually starts with small pains with vomiting and turns into sharp pains.


Answer by  Duncan (1124)

That's when you get pouches ballooning off the side of your large intestine. It can cause all sorts of problems, so you should talk with your doctor about it.


Answer by  jennyanydots (294)

Diverticulitis is the inflammation of a diverticulum, an abnormal outpouching that often occurs on the large intestine. Some of the symptoms will be abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and or alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea.

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