

Question by  ckell3 (100)

What are the symptoms of scabies?


Answer by  Bob53 (414)

Scabies most commonly starts as small bumps and itching on the webbing between the fingers. It usually progresses to itching throughout the entire torso, generally not the neck and head. The itchiness may be particularly bad at night. Scabies is hard to diagnose but it easily treated with a one time application of permethrin.


Answer by  A36 (629)

Symptoms include very bad itching which is usually even worse at night. The itching is accompanied by skin sores which may take a number of days to appear and develop. Children and old people are affected particularly seriously.


Answer by  Cecilia (2828)

Some of the symptoms are ichy areas that are worse at night. Occasionally you can see a red thread like rash or cluster of red bumps. This is highly contagious so there's no shame in seeing your health care professional for assistance.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

Scabies comes with irritated, itchy skin. Since it comes from a mite that lays eggs in the skin, the symptoms can last for months or even years.

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