

Question by  Anonymous

What are the symptoms of exhaustion?

I worry that my wife works too much.


Answer by  mediamaven (579)

Symptoms can include irritability, confusion, dehydration, inattentiveness, lack of concentration, dizziness, loss of balance, rapid heart rate, extreme anxiousness, feelings of stupor, fatigue, hyperventilation, hard of breathing, fainting, inability to make decisions and absentmindedness. Exhaustion can be treated normally by an adequate amount of sleep and hydration (water no carbonated beverages).


Answer by  mediamaven (579)

Exhaustion symptoms can include some of the following - extreme fatique, lack of energy or interest in things previously enjoyed, trouble concentrating and focusing, frequent irratability, change in normal sleeping habits and pattern, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, decreased sex drive and interest, extreme mood changes and noticeable personality changes.

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