

Question by  sauvblanc (96)

What are the elements you incorporate into your online username or handle?


Answer by  mangosteen (272)

I usually choose something obscure (so it is not taken), but also something that has some kind of meaning to me. If you are posting content on a site, you may want to avoid choosing a name that will identify exactly who you are.


Answer by  apple (447)

I use the names of remote places.


Answer by  Anonymous

if its a site that you have to login to frequently, you might think of making your username something that you can type with your left hand. that way, your right hand can stay on the mouse. if you make your password left-hand only, its even better!


Answer by  Anonymous

When I can't be anonymous, or when I want people who I know to know who I am, I always use my dog's name.

You have 50 words left!