


Question by  BillS (50)

What are the differences in filing head of household or single on your taxes?


Answer by  Kristine (145)

Filing head of household is usually for an individual who has dependents and is single. Filing single is if you have no dependents and only file for your self


Answer by  flamiss22 (5081)

Head of household will give you more benefits than single. You will get a larger exemption to start with and any additional exemptions will also be higher. Also as head of household you will pay less taxes than a single.


Answer by  peach (138)

Head of household means that you have kids or dependents in the home. Simgle is you living by yourself, or filing as just yourself.


Answer by  labgirl (333)

To file as head of household, you must meet certain criteria as the provider for dependents that meet a particular set of circumstances. Single living alone will not qualify.

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