health conditions


Question by  dana (12)

What are some problems that can occur when kidney problems lead to scar tissue?


Answer by  DebH2010 (291)

When kidneys develop scar tissue, it can cause them to be unable to process urine effectively, leading to congested kidneys which can impair overall health and further damage the kidneys.


Answer by  carol (1241)

Kidney function will be lost in any area of the kidney that forms scar tissue. Once the kidney is damaged by scar tissue it will never get better.


Answer by  ana15 (116)

When scarring develops, it may impair kidney function and it will eventually decrease urine production. also kidney may fail to filter substances that may be poisonous to our systemic circulation.


Answer by  z40 (76)

When there is scarring on kidney, a kidney's function will become less depending on the size of the scar. The scarred part of the kidney can't do its function properly. It means lesser amount of the kidneys will have to work harder to keep the body in balance or good condition.


Answer by  Milette4 (900)

You develop a condition called Cirrhosis, a life threatening disease. It causes the liver to function improperly. It cannot effectively break down waste products, is unable to produce adequate bile salts, can not remove toxins effectively or process drugs. Scar tissue also blocks the flow of blood through the portal vein.


Answer by  Zach29 (153)

Scar tissue causes that section of the kidney to lose function that can never be regained. There may be blood or puss in the urine if the scar tissue is caused by an obstruction, and a dull pain may be noticed. Inflamed tissue may be removed to remove the blockage and prevent the creation of more scar tissue.

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